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Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Emotional Intelligence- Other Awareness

Being aware of other people goes beyond just acknowledging their physical presence anywhere we find them. Being aware of other people involves how we recognize and respond to their emotional states.
There are several ways to be aware of other people. You might have been doing some of them unconsciously but all of them can be taught and learnt.
I will discuss some of the ways of being aware of other people that I have learnt, practiced and seen work.
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary1, “Awareness” has to do with feeling, experiencing, or noticing something (such as a sound, sensation, or emotion). I would like to stretch this definition by adding that in the area of emotional intelligence, you must be able to achieve all of these at the same time, as it concerns relating with other people, hence, my submission that the ability to be aware of other people is the ability to CONNECT with them.
How do you go about connecting with other people?
MEET THEM: Meet them where they are if such an opportunity presents itself. The ability to be proactive in dealing with people is a most priced asset. However, you must not act proactively unless you have cues to that effect. It is usually better and more rewarding to meet people at the point of their need than the other way round.
SHOW EMPATHY: This is stretching being proactive a bit further. When you empathize with people, you are putting yourself in their shoes. It is your ability to identify the other person’s thoughts and feelings. However, it is important to understand the subtle difference between sympathy and empathy. While the former refers to how you feel about someone else; involving the use of an “I” sentence such as, “I feel sad about your husband’s illness”, the latter is the ability you have to demonstrate that you understand what another person is feeling and it involves a “YOU” sentence such as, “You must be feeling angry about what that woman said to you”2.
LEAVE PREJUDICE: Nothing lowers expectations from, and the ability to connect with others genuinely than judgments and opinions you form about them before meeting them. Prejudice is a wall between you and others. The only way of dismantling this wall is with an open mind. Without being open minded, you cannot connect with people.
ADD VALUE: Nobody will want to waste their time with someone who will not help them appreciate in value. You will be the darling of anybody in whose life you constantly add value and who anticipates you’re bringing value to their life. You can add value in words and concrete actions.
STAY CONNECTED: If you move the dial on a radio set, you will move frequencies and transmissions coming from radio stations. Reinforce the connections you have with others by remaining on the same frequency as they.

Be inspired!
Remain Motivated!

Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Android Application.
Stein, J.S (2009) Emotional Intelligence for Dummies. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Canada.

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