Welcome to Emeka Akpa's Blog

Wednesday 1 July 2015


In economics, the production possibilities frontier represents the possible combinations of two goods that can be produced in a certain period of time under the conditions of a given state of technology and fully employed resources.
A country operating within the frontier is said to be under-utilizing its resources while the one that has moved outward and is along the frontier is seen to be fully utilizing its resources. However, it takes deliberate and calculated actions for any country to move outward from within the frontier.
In the production possibilities frontier, the more of a good you choose to produce, the less of the other you produce. It presents a trade-off (a core concept in economics).
Now coming to you. What output goals have you set for yourself for the rest of the year? That is, what are the things you have set out to achieve in the last half of the year given your productive capacity? Remember we said earlier that in  production possibilities frontiers, the more of good x you produce, the less of good y you will produce.
Dear friend, there are certain things you need to pay less attention to in your life because they contribute very little to the desired outcome you long to see- better education, financial freedom, better health, healthy relationships, upward career movement, and so on. If any of these outcomes resonate with you but you are not getting them, then there is a problem with how you combine your productive capacity.
You see, your productivity is measured by how much value you add to yourself and your environment per unit of TIME. Therefore, there is the need for you to take stock of what you have (time, money, innate ability, people, etc.) and understand how to combine them to produce the outcome you desire.
The last half of this year is yours to take. Don't feel overwhelmed by the negative circumstances around you (this writer deals with them everyday). Keep your eye on the GOAL; however, strive to meet daily or weekly or monthly TARGETS as you aim to score. Remember, it takes deliberate and calculated actions to get the desired outcome!

Be Inspired!
Remain Motivated!

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  1. You can post a comment now!

  2. Has you rightly said, "In the production possibilities frontier, the more of a good you choose to produce, the less of the other you produce." This is fact applicable to all facet of life. The Master Economist, Jesus Christ, spoke of this same principle to those listening to Him at the foot of the mount 2000 years ago. He said, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matt 6:24 (KJV)

    Given the available resources at one's disposal. To have more of one good, man need to have less of Evil. To have more of evil, then less of Good must be given up.
