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Saturday, 25 October 2014


Logic will take you from point A to point B. Imagination will take you anywhere"
-Albert Einstein

Logic is a tool of critical thinking. It is used to evaluate the soundness or otherwise of arguments. By argument I do not mean confrontations. Arguments are claims we make about things supported by premises and conclusions which in themselves are claims.
It is worthy to note that in a world where claims and counter claims are made (spurious, bogus, logical, illogical and so on) on various fronts by forces contending for our attention and patronage e.g. advertisers, politicians and religious super salesmen, the place of logical reasoning cannot be discounted to sort the facts from fiction. Most of the decisions we make daily on alternative courses of action are based on logical deductions.
As a graduate, there is no greater period when your sense of judgment is called on than when you leave school and are ready to "face the world". It is logical as a graduate to think this way:
I've finished from the University,
Everybody who finishes from the University must look for a job,
Therefore, I must look for a job.
The argument above can't beat Logic but it has been beaten by time and circumstances. We live in a time when so many things do not make sense anymore. It used to be that you have a plethora of jobs waiting for you as a proud University graduate. It used to be that the returns on a university education or any other higher education was higher than the investment. It used to be that a university graduate commanded dignity, respect and honour from the demanders of his skills.
Graduate, time has changed. To survive and stay afloat in periods such as this, you've got to go beyond Logic and start using your imagination. Imagination breaks the limiting rules of logic especially in a world of limitless uncertainties.
It's simple. Open your eyes to the problems around you and position yourself to solving them and being paid as you solve them. Start thinking of how to go beyond your degree(s) or you'll keep begging for food, shelter and clothing. But how do you recognize these needs around you and what can you do to solve them? Let's discuss that in the next issue.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic"
-Frank Herbert

Be Inspired!
Remain Motivated!

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