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Sunday, 6 January 2013


Let’s talk about resolutions…
At this time of the year, it is very common to hear the word “Resolutions” being bandied about by all and sundry. Unfortunately, it is a beautiful chorus whose lines are forgotten almost as soon as it is remembered.
Before delving into reasons why resolutions fail, it is important to know what it is and why it still remains everyone’s best friend in the first few hours of the New Year.
A RESOLUTION is simply a decision, determination or resolve to deal with an identified challenge or problem.
Why is resolution still very popular?
a)   Everybody want to move further in life hence many feel that a resolution will serve as that driving force and of course it can, after all a resolution is a decision to deal with a challenge.
b)   ‘Resolution’ is what everybody does at the beginning of the year. In other not to have nothing to say when asked about mine, it is safer to just acquire one like everyone else.
c)   It is a shelter for those who are running away from the heat of a debilitating habit or obsession. Unfortunately to most of those people, it only serves as a temporary cover though having the potential for permanence.
d)   People think a resolution can serve as a short-cut to an envisaged end thus freeing them from the rigour and thoroughness of hard work. Definitely it can lead one to an expected end, yet it is not the short-cut people think it is.
Seeing then that there is nothing wrong with resolutions, what is wrong in its application that makes it die almost as soon as it is born?
Ø People ascribe resolutions to a particular time of the year (January 1st) and a particular place (the church or mosque) thereby overlooking the time when a decision that would have led to an action being taken on an issue should have been appropriately taken hence reducing the potency and longevity of the resolution. Mind you, resolutions are not born with the coming of a new year, they are always with us to be taken and stood by all through time even NOW.
Ø Most people just sit down and without much pondering decide to do or not do something in a process they call resolution making without bearing in mind  that resolutions are decisions and decision making has a process. It is not something you just say, it is a goal scoring process that you set in motion.
Ø Just like a building with a faulty foundation collapses in no time, resolutions give way if they are not built on sound values. The values you hold are the building blocks upon which you can rest your resolutions without which it will be nothing but wishful thinking. This is the most important factor.
I will stop here for now and in the next article talk about:
·      The process of making a resolution (also known as decision making process)  and;
·      Values that can hold up a resolution.
Till then,
Have a great new year!

Be inspired!
Remain motivated!

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