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Wednesday, 11 July 2012


When was the last time you started and finished reading a book? Ha! A long time ago I guess. Well, the fact that you're reading this piece shows that you have the ability and capacity to read. Yet ability and capacity alone are not enough to get you develop a healthy reading culture.
Someone once said that if you know how to read and don't, you're not better than that person who can't. I agree absolutely, don't you?
Let's see some of the benefits you can derive from cultivating a healthy reading culture:
·      A tree that hopes to continually have green leaves must be watered; so also must a mind that wants to continue being fresh, productive and relevant, with the pages of books.
·      Reading affords you the opportunity to tap into the wealth of experience of great minds without having to meet them face to face.
·      A healthy reading habit makes you more creative.
·      I found my life purpose from cultivating a reading habit and so many have the same experience too. It might work for you.
·      Reading helps you develop the ability to be more analytical and critical.
I have listed all the “what’s in it for you” above (you can find out some more) but you’re saying “come on Emeka, I start and after some time I stop, I don’t think I can do this”, “it’s tiring and frustrating, don’t you get it?”
“Ok, how and when do I start?” Alright, I’ve been in your shoes before and I know how it is… you pick a book today and with all the ginger, you plunge into it and after a little while you drop it and that’s it for a long, long time. Nmmmm! In the next part of this piece, I’ll tell you what I did (that has been working for me) that you can adopt also.
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Stay motivated!
Be inspired!

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